Cherry Icecream

The weather seems to be getting colder day by day. We didn't have unbearable summer this year. Not at all complaining about it. But the thought that winter seems to be so close, is not at all encouraging to me. Plus, some of our favorite fruits and berries are also vanishing from the market. So to bid goodbye to our family favorite cherry for this year, I thought I should post this cherry icecream that we enjoyed multiple times this summer. 

We love eating cherries as is. But for a change give it other forms like galette, jams or even this icecream. You cannot have enough of those juicy and sweet cherries. They definitely are addictive. This recipe is not even a bit difficult, but I must suggest you to make it in large quantities for your crowd is definitely going to go for multiple servings.

  1. 1 cup of cold whipping cream
  2. 1/2 cup of sweetened condensed milk
  3. 3 tbsp of sugar
  4. 2 1/2 cups of cherries, pitted
  • In a saucepan, take the pitted cherries with sugar and 1/4 cup of water. Cook it untill the cherries get soft and tender and the water gets reduced. Turn off the heat and let it cool down completely.
  • Puree the cooked cherry mixture. Strain it to remove the pulp.
  • In a bowl, take the cold whipping cream and beat it to soft peaks. Add the condensed milk and strained cherry mixture and beat it again untill it blends well.
  • Now pour it into an airtight container and place it in the freezer. 
  • After 2 hours, take it out and using a hand mixer beat the mixture well. Keep it back in the freezer. Continue this process for 2 more times. 
  • Freeze it for 6-7 hours or untill it sets. Its going to turn out to be creamy and rich just like the store bought ice cream. 
  1. You could avoid straining the pureed cherry mixture if you don't mind having the grainy texture in your icecream.
  2. Beating the icecream every 2 hours makes it creamy and just like store bought ones. So do not skip it.
  3. Taste test the ice cream mixture to see if it is sweet as per your taste else add more sugar and beat it in.

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