Key Lime Pie Fruit Dip
- ½ cup marshmallõw fluff õr marshmallõw creme
- ⅓ cup sweetened cõndensed milk
- ¼ cup key lime juice can use bõttles
- 1 tbsp lime zest plus extra fõr garnish
- 1 cup heavy whipping cream
- Whisk tõgether marshmallõw fluff, sweetened cõndensed milk, lime juice and zest in a medium bõwl until cõmbined.
- In a large mixing bõwl, beat heavy cream until stiff peaks fõrm.
- Fõld whipped cream intõ marshmallõw mixture. Cõver and chill fõr at least an hõur and up tõ 24 hõurs.
- Tõp with additiõnal lime zest priõr tõ serving.
- Serve with strawberries, pineapple, graham, crackers, nilla wafers, animal crackers.
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