Sweet Sauce Chee Cheong Fun 甜酱猪肠粉 (Popular KL/ Malaysia Street Food)
This is one of my favourite childhood snacks, the food that brings back lots of childhood memory. This is a popular street breakfast in the town where I grew up, the southern part of Malaysia.
Often sold by moving vendors at the roadside and some riding a motorbike along the housing areas, honking and calling out loud "chee cheong fun...". When there're buyers, they would stop right in front of the house to sell chee cheong fun that comes with yong tau foo and lok lok ingredients like wonton, dumplings, ngoh hiang, meat roll, prawn pancakes, fish balls, beancurd skins and many more. .
This homemade sweet sauce taste exactly like the one in my hometown. It's easy to prepare and this sauce also taste good with yam cakes, radish cakes etc...
Click the link below for recipe 点击以下链接进入食谱
Crispy Ngoh Hiang 五香卷
Crispy Prawn Pancakes 脆皮虾饼
Sweet Sauce Ingredients: 甜酱材料
150g Hoisin Sauce 海鲜酱 150克
110g Water 水 110克
1/2 tbsp Castor Sugar 细砂糖 1/2 汤匙
1 tbsp Sesame Oil 麻油 1汤匙
1 tbsp Maltose 麦芽糖 1汤匙
Corn Starch Solution (Optional): 1 tsp Corn Flour + 1 tbsp Water, mix well.
Toasted Sesame Seeds 烤香芝麻
I usually cook this ahead of time, store in the fridge, reheat and stir in corn starch before serve. In this picture, it's without corn starch. |
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Method: 步骤
1. Place all sauce ingredients in a saucepan, stir constantly and bring to boil. Turn off heat and the sauce is ready. If you prefer thick and glossy consistency, continue with step 2.
2. Reduce heat and stir in corn starch solution. Turn off heat and it's ready.
3. To serve: Cut chee cheong fun, prawn pancakes and ngoh hiang into chunks, drizzle sauce and top with sesame seeds. Serve warm.
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