About me~Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover

I am just an ordinary Hokkien gal who grew up in Selangor in the 70s.  Back then, our home kitchen is the soul of the family and is a more popular hangout place than kopitiams. I love to help mum prepare her favourite dishes and I usually get the simple chores like chopping garlic and shallots.  
As a little girl, I love to play 'masak masak' using empty cans and pretend to cook while my other girlfriends played dress up with paper dolls.  I have always been a curious girl and like to ask all sorts of questions about a particular dish especially the ones I like.  
Cooking and baking has always been my hobby but I never really got the time to hone this passion as I was busy working and building my own small family, like most working mothers.  Despite not having time to cook I still collect recipes from my mother, the vegetable seller, the meat seller, my friends’ mothers, grandmothers, watch TV cooking shows and from recipe books and anyone willing to share.  For those where I cannot get the recipes I would be thinking about it day and night and would try to replicate the dish in my mind and add to my recipe collection. I am always fascinated with different taste and texture of food. 
My passion was revived when I lost my job some few years ago. As I was spring cleaning my house one day, I came across the little recipe book with all my collection of recipes from many years.  My heart skipped as if I have just bumped into my first love after many years.  
I've never attended any cooking or baking classes nor learned from any cooking sifu. I like to experiment with recipes on my own and self teach.  I am happiest when I see friends and relatives enjoying my cooking.  So I started cooking, baking and blogging to inspire the younger generations to eat healthily and live well. 
My followers are my best teachers.  I love to hear from my followers, be it positive or negative comments. This way, I can be better.  Whenever they have any problem I will try to help them solve it despite my limited experience especially in baking. I share their disappointment whenever their cake or bread turns out below expectations but I never stopped improving. 
Besides, baking and cooking, hiking is my other love.  Whenever I hike at a new place, I always check out the specialities of that area with my hiking friends. As there are a few of us, we can taste more varieties of food.  

I hope that by sharing all my simple tried and tested recipes, anyone can cook.  And yes, Nasi Lemak  has always maintained its top spot on my favourite food list. This is my humble story – Nasi Lemak Lover.  
虽然烹饪和烘焙一直是我的爱好,却从来没有真正的有时间去投入我对烹饪和烘焙的那份热情。因为当时,就如多数的职业妇女一样,要忙于工作和组织我自己的小家。 就算没有时间烹煮,我还是向我妈妈、菜贩、肉贩以及朋友们的妈妈祖母们收集和很多的食谱以及向他们学习烹饪的方法。我也收看电视里的烹饪节目里,阅读烹饪书籍,我还向那些肯分享她们的食谱的太太们学习烹饪呢。如果我没能取得那些食谱,我就会日思夜的尝试模仿那些菜肴,煮出一道心目中同样味道的菜肴。我就是这样被食物中的口感和不同的味道迷惑着。
有一天,当我在大扫除时,我看到那些我收集了很多年的食谱,我对烹饪和烘焙的热情复活了 !我的心,好像在很多年以后和初恋情人重逢般的跳动 

任何人都可以开始动手烹饪。 我希望和你们分享我全部简易而且试煮过的食谱。还有啊,我的椰浆饭就时常是我好吃食物排行榜的第一名哦 !这就是我谦逊的故事 --- 一个爱吃椰浆饭的人。

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