Apple & Blackberry Rice

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 I so wanted to show you this easy dessert at the weekend, but my photo-bucket account where I store my photos wasn't letting me in so I have had to wait until now.  You are just going to love this simple and delicious dessert!  The timing for this is just perfect as our blackberries are just going into overdrive at the moment with the very beginnings of the seasoning starting and so much more to come!  Apples and Blackberries are a marriage made in heaven!

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Early apples are starting to show up now as well.  I have always found it interesting that naturally delicious tasting fruit pairings happen to ripen together.  Anyone would think it had been planned that way!

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Think Strawberries and Rhubarb . . .  apples and blackberries . . . lemons and limes, figs and pears,  raspberries and peaches,  and so on and so on  . . .

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This dessert is a real doddle actually.  It goes together lickety split!  I always keep a tin or two of good quality ready made rice pudding in the cupboard.  Todd loves rice pudding.

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You can use ready made apple sauce also if you wish . . .  I make my own, but using ready made also makes this really easy.   Just make sure it is a good quality.

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The two are just layered in a glass along with some fresh blackberries and a sprinkle of brown sugar on top.

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Nothing could be simpler,  quicker or more tasty!  This is very, very satisfying and not altogether unhealthy.  You can also make these several hours ahead!

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*Apple & Blackberry Rice*
Serves 4
 A delicious, simple and quick dessert that your family will love! 

425g tin of rice pudding (14 ounce)
225g good applesauce (1 cup)
150g punnet of fresh blackberries (about 2 cups)
2 TBS soft light brown sugar  

In four glasses or dessert bowls layer up the ingredients as follows:  a quanitity of rice pudding, a quantity of apple sauce, blackberries (reserving a few for the top), finally the remainder of the rice pudding.  Divide the soft light brown sugar over the top, sprinkling it over evenly.  Top with a few blackberries to garnish.  Chill for about 10 minutes, until the brown sugar has dissolved.  You can make these up to 2 hours ahead, keeping them covered in the refrigerator.

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I know you will enjoy this!  Bon Appetit!

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