Raspberry Bakewell Overnight Oats

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I am really enjoying my overnight oats!   I loved the peanut butter and banana ones and the other day I tried Raspberry Bakewell Oats, with some of the berries from our garden!  Delicious!

One of the things I fell in love with when I first came over here was Bakewell Tarts. You can get them everywhere, pre-baked sitting in their little pastry cases. Shortcrust pastry with a scant filling of red jam and a bit of frangipane, and then topped with icing and half a cherry.  I prefer them without the icing and cherry on top, but Todd likes them both ways.  I have done small individual tarts in the past . . .

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And a full tart using a puff pastry base.  Both were delicious!

The  main flavours in a bakewell are raspberry and almond.  These overnight oats have both of those.

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And its a lot easier to do than bake a pie or tarts . . .

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You just simply layer the ingredients in a jar.  First the oats, then some raspberry jam, some raspberries, flaked toasted almonds and some milk with a touch of almond extract added.  Totally delicious and quite healthy too!  I hope you will give them a go!  They are also perfectly portable so you can eat them on the go, or even at your office desk!

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*Raspberry Bakewell Overnight Oats*
Makes 1 serving

This is delicious and quite healthy.  Its also very easy to do.  One of my favourite breakfasts.   Perfectly portable and handy for a breakfast on the go as well!

60g old fashioned rolled oats (3/4 cup)
1/4 tsp almond extract
6 fluid ounces milk (3/4 cup, any kind you enjoy)
a generous handful of raspberries (6 or 8)
2 tsp raspberry jam (can use low sugar)
1 TBS toasted flaked almonds 

Layer all ingredients in a mason jar beginning with the oats and ending with the milk.  Put the lid on and shake well to combine ingredients.  Store in the refrigerator overnight and enjoy in the morning.  Delicious!

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Bon Appetit!

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