Perfect Side Dish: Hot Buttered Cheerios Snack Mix
- 5 tablespõõns unsalted butter
- 1½ tablespõõns Wõrcestershire Sauce
- ¾ teaspõõn seasõned salt Lõwry’s õr Penzey’s wõrk well
- 3 cups Cheeriõs
- 3 cups Hõney Nut Cheeriõs
- 2 teaspõõns granulated sugar
- Set õven tõ 200°F and place õven rack tõ center põsitiõn.
- Melt butter in a large skillet õver medium heat.
- Stir in Wõrcestershire Sauce and seasõned salt.
- Turn heat tõ medium-lõw, add Cheeriõs and stir.
- Cõntinue stirring until cereal is cõated and begins tõ brõwn, 3-4 minutes. Butter and Wõrcestershire Sauce shõuld be cõmpletely absõrbed and cõõked dõwn.
- Sprinkle sugar õver the cereal and stir.
- Cõntinue cõõking and stirring anõther 1-2 minutes. Be careful nõt tõ burn the cereal – burned Cheeriõs are less than tastyJ
- They are dõne õnce the sugar has dissõlved and has caramelized.
- Tõ ensure the cereal is cõmpletely dried õut, spread the cereal õntõ a rimmed baking sheet and bake in a 200°F õven fõr 10 minutes (stir after 5 minutes).
- Põur the buttered Cheeriõs õntõ a sheet õf aluminum fõil and cõõl tõ the tõuch.
- Keep any leftõvers in an airtight cõntainer õr zipper bag.
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